Wednesday, August 1, 2012

The dreamy, eco-concoction, high flown, brain wave that is the fantastical mixed media artwork of Christina Norberg

As if the tittle of this blog didn't give it away...
I am completely smitten with the textile wonderland that is Christina Norberg and am VERY excited to have her as our resident artist at the Adhesif Clothing Shop for the next 2 months!

I met Christina some years ago, before I opened Adhesif Clothing's flagship location.
We met at a local artisan market and I instantly fell head over heels with her incredibly imaginative creations.

One of the first things I noticed was the fact the Christina integrates reclaimed materials (like recycled sweaters and branches) into her pieces. We had a total connection both artistically, spiritually and with our passion for nature & eco-conscienceness.

Alas...time flew by and schedules (as they do) became hectic and so the story goes...

Until we met again, just recenetly, in Adhesif Clothing's booth at the wonderous Folk Fest Bazaar!
Yippie! Reunited! Upon inquiring with Christina as to her interest in being our next resident visual artist, she exclaimed YES! :)
Jazz hands and ecstatic dance moves ensued...
Alas! Here we are now!
With a brand new and incredibly FABULOUS art hanging at the Adhesif Clothing Shop!

For all of you not in the's a ittle bit about our local and extremely talented Christina Norberg...

Vancouver artist Christina Norberg studied at Simon Fraser University’s School for the Contemporary Arts, and Kwantlen University College’s Fine Arts Program. She has been working as a visual artist full-time since 2006.

Words from the Artist;
These pieces are created by layers of paint, drawing, collage, and fibre. Design, craft, architecture, street art, and nature are the main influences in my artwork. Common themes that run through the work are: the future, balance of nature and human development, relationships, and communication.

As in all parts of my life, I endeavour to create artwork that uses locally-found, recycled, and sustainable materials as much as possible. In these works, I use acrylic paint made right here in Vancouver, Canada, and reuse post-consumer waste such as newspaper, cardboard, magazines, packaging, and clothing.

Or I would highly recommend becoming inspired and popping into the Adhesif Clothing Shop at 2202 Main Street, Vancouver
Behold the wonder for yourself! :)

Shop Hours~
Tues-Sat 11-7
Sun 11-5
Mondays Closed